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Auto Photo Inspections
Visit an authorized Carco Auto Inspection site. Visit the following link for a site near you by clicking the button below.
*After your inspection is complete, please forward confirmation of inspection to our office by email at:
Make sure the license plate is visible in at least one of these photos
1. Photo of car front end + side one
Make sure the license plate is visible in at least one of these photos
2. Photo of car back end + side two
Located on the bottom or top of the driver’s side door jam
3. Photo of Vehicle Identification Number sticker
Located on the bottom or top of the driver’s side door jam
4. Record the current mileage of your vehicle

Located on the bottom or top of the driver’s side door jam
5. Photo of interior colors and fabric of your vehicle

If you are unable to get to a Carco Inspection site within 14 days you can take the photos yourself. The following 3 photos are needed:
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